Full Service Amazon Agency | Canopy Management
Full Service Amazon Agency | Canopy Management
Full Service Amazon Agency | Canopy Management

The Canopy Cadence


Your brand’s history is unique, and so is your vision for the future. We’ve grown brands in dozens of product categories, but we still start every project with meticulous research to find trouble spots, strategic insights, and growth opportunities.

Design & optimize

With a clear plan in place, execution becomes the name of the game. Our specialists get to work doing what they do best, whether it’s creating a scroll-stopping product listing, allocating the ideal budget, or constructing a laser-focused DSP campaign.

Grow & scale

Once we’re firing on all cylinders, it’s time to ramp things up and hit your growth targets. Based on your goals and what we’ve learned, our specialists scale up to create new levels of growth for your products.

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